Washington Week with The Atlantic | Yamiche Alcindor's goodbye as she departs Washington Week | Seas

Publish date: 2024-07-29

And, finally, I want to note that this is my last time moderating WASHINGTON WEEK.

As I announced last week, I have made a difficult decision to step away from the role to focus full time on commitments to NBC News as a Washington Correspondent to finish my upcoming memoir.

It has been an honor, a complete honor to be in your homes every Friday and to help you, the viewers, make sense of all the news that we have to cover.

Thank you so much for watching.

I also could not have done this work without the stellar team here at WASHINGTON WEEK.

So, thank you all, of course, for your efforts.

And I have also been blessed, really blessed, to honor the life and legacy Gwen Ifill, the longtime iconic WASHINGTON WEEK moderator who absolutely loved this program and personally mentored me and so many other women.

I thank her in my heart often for giving me courage and confidence.

Last, I hope this is not a goodbye but rather a see you later as I hope to see you all on the next big story, as I continue my work.

I am Yamiche Alcindor.

Good night from Washington.
